Saturday, March 07, 2009

worse than guantanamo?

Another 4 down. Someone told me there are nearly 250 to go before the big show. Yowza!

I was hoping yesterday's walk would be a bit more gentle than usual as my knee was still really painful when I extended it. 'Dr.' Spen thinks I strained my tendons and has had me on a strict regime of heat and elevation. His advice had done some good as I was able to get my shoes on and out the door after hobbling around the place for a day and a half.

I plodded along the first mile of the canal walk before turning off to cross the canal bridge near to the girls' most local playground for a bit of variety and followed a path on the other side of the water. Any variation helps until I can find another local 4 miler and I didn't mind trading the mud-puddly mire for a very straight paved path! This side took me passed a lot of warehouses that had graffiti on them, very strange for Hythe- the strangest proclaimed "Worse than Guantanamo." I wondered if the writer was referring to living in Hythe as it must feel like a prison for those in their early teen years from time to time. After the graffiti buildings I found myself following along the mini-railway's course into town. No trains today but I bet they would feel very mighty passing by only a few feet away!! I was overtaken by a 'real' marathoner before crossing the main bridge and taking the usual trail home.

My speed improved and I hit my stride around the 3 mile marker as my knee finally relaxed. I felt like I could have tackled another three or four miles but had to get home as Spen's Mum and Dad were down for the weekend and didn't want to miss out on seeing them with the kiddos, they are really sweet together especially as H thinks that they walk on water!

I noticed an older woman with a quarter of a mile to go who talked at me til I felt compelled to stop and hear her out while she slated another dog walker on the path. Apparently the 'other lady' was making her dog neurotic because she would make her sit or lie down every time someone passed her on the path. She was a hoot (especially as the 'other lady' she was complaining about has often told me off on for parking on the road outside of our own house!) Any how, I still finished in a decent time but failed to notice that I was just shy of the four miles. Must make up the .01 next time, ha!

3.99 miles - 6948 steps - 49.50.57

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