Sunday, February 22, 2009

Beware- Grumpiness, Next 5 Miles

What a horrendous walk today was! I left feeling motivated to tackle something in the range of 8 miles but as soon as I hit mile #2 my stomach started to churn. I'm not sure if it was the after effects of the food from H's friend's birthday party in the morning or if I'm catching what the girls have had, but it was a really griping pain. I felt so defeated and then I noticed that my watched had stopped clocking time and mileage- ugg! I fought the urge to call Spen for another half a mile but ended up giving in in front of the Neptune pub. Thank goodness he agreed to pick me up a few miles down the road!!!

I'm happy he gave me a few miles to sort my head out as I was feeling so, blah, really. During this time I focused on a few things, grumpy things. I hated how fume-y the road was. I ordinarily walk along the canal or by the sea so the fumes of the lorries and buses made me feel woozy. I think I have officially become 'country.' Also, someone beeped me. It scared me senseless! It was horribly embarrassing as I literally jumped off of the pavement.

walk- down the canal, crossed over the bridge near the Prince of Wales, down the A295 ending at the Martello tower just passed Dymchurch. . . and into the coziness of the car!

Grumble, grumble, grumble. Tomorrow is another day.

5.45-ish miles - 9192 - 1.16.38-ish*

*guesses based on map my run data, damn watch!

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